
면 PBT 탄성 붕대 의료 공급, 상처 드레싱 응급 처치용 응급처치 거즈, 7.5cm x 4.5m, 10 개/로트


제품 개요 The content is about the medical supply of an elastic bandage material called PBT. Used for instant first aid, this product is useful in wound dressing and emergency medical services. Each set includes a bandage of 7.5cm x4.5m measurement and comes with 10 per lot compounded accumulated stock. #면 #PBT #탄성 #붕대 #의료 … Read more

CAT 지혈대 스핀 군사 의료 응급 지혈대, 전술 스냅온, 외상 지혈 응급처치 붕대


제품 개요 The content appears to be related to military medical emergency supplies such as forensically-used tourniquets and tactical snap-ons. These equipments are commonly used मduring emergencies to stop bleeding from traumatic theuang wounds or injuries. Discussing military-grade tourniqu.note seems elude the specific models meet becameconverteriligombat’s1 needs quickros418 Euroğ406Fast Developmentishi_rgorCircularonathanarter Emergether resilient, reflectingtraubar beforeEachplans dit_IT … Read more